For purposes of demonstration, lets imagine we have a zoo.
The zoo database has a table of animals it keeps named Animals.
It also has a table of the soft stuffed animals it sells in the Products table.
You have been asked to provide the following:
Find each Animal where there is not a corresponding Product:
Select A.*, P.*
from Animal A
left join Product P
on A.Animal = P.Product
where P.Product is null
Find all the Animals where there is not a corresponding Product
AND all the Products where there is not a corresponding Animal
Select A.*, P.*
from Product P
full join Animal A
on P.Product = A.Animal
where A.Animal is null or P.Product is null
Find each Animal at the zoo where there is also a corresponding Product:
select A.*, P.*
from Animal A
join Product P
on A.Animal = P.Product
Find each Animal at the zoo and also each Product whether there is a match or not:
Select A.*, P.*
from Animal A
Full join Product P
on A.Animal = P.Product
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